“Our" story

Online marketing consulting story - Gemma online marketing consultant laughing at colleague in meeting

Over 12 years of small business spark

“We” are really just “me”. I’m Gemma, a tenacious brutally honest down to earth marketing and small business coach who gets her kicks out of inspiring other small business owners. I remain a unicorn marketing generalist, and am highly intuitive and have ADHD. These quality allow me to gather insight into my client’s businesses fast and also understand the human resource elements of business operations. Injecting new energy and vibrancy into small businesses through my fresh perspective is what I’ve done best for over 12 years. I see opportunities easily and more often than not present ideas to new clients that impress them in our first coaching session.

Salt has evolved and morphed over the years and we now offer those services that bring the most value to small business owners. Through coaching, strategy development and empowering small business owners to shape and strengthen their small business using branding, marketing and mindset shifts.

I’m based in Hobart Tasmania but have worked with clients Australia-wide for years now and the brand values we hold highest are integrity, trust and results. Too often businesses are “sold” something by a consultant who doesn’t deliver. That’s not me.

Our clients are all Australian small businesses or business dreamers about to launch, freelancers and sole traders. I’ve worked with small to medium sized businesses across a wide variety of industries from trades and services to products and purely ecommerce.

Every one of our services spanning from small business coaching are delivered 100% virtually. I love having a laugh at myself and life along the way and our coaching sessions are informal but packed full of insight and learning. I’m a tech geek and ensure decisions are backed by data or solid reasoning. Mostly I just love meeting new people and learning about their businesses, their stories, their goals and helping reignite the passion that got them into it in the first place.

Book a call and chat to Gemma about your marketing and find out if we are the right fit for your small business needs.