Meet the SALT. Team


Gemma Saltmarsh

Avid adventurer, creative and tech geek

Gemma Saltmarsh

Marketing and Small Business Coach and Strategist

She's one of those people whose mind is always ticking. She’s got over 18 years experience with marketing and has been working with small businesses exclusively for the last 12. Her tertiary academic background also includes psychology and tourism. The thing she loves most about her role is seeing clients experience major breakthroughs. She’s generous with tips and tricks and enjoys pushing past her own comfort zone to learn and experience the most in life. She loves spending time with her partner and dancing like a goon in the kitchen with her three cherished children.

Check out her skills and experience on LinkedIn.


Sheridan Cousland

Sheridan Cousland

Website Designer

Creativity runs through this man’s bones. Sheridan runs his website business Peabody Digital and designs and builds our websites. He’s more of a behind-the-scenes kind of guy and clients enjoy his company, insight and witty sense of humour. He relaxes by playing guitar and geeking out on coding.

Erin van Nieuwkuyk

She keeps this ship from not sinking

Erin van Nieuwkuyk

Client Care

Erin runs her own VA business, Amplitude. Her attention to detail and customer care skills keep things running smoothly for us all.