I am old enough to remember the web-olution. One day we were all playing snake on our original monotone laptops and only the most important of our parents had huge brick sized mobile phones or phones in their cars. Fast forward 20 years and we have a computer in the palm of our hand which acts as our personal assistant, our phone, our diary, our watch, our alarm clock and our "go to" to ask any question that pops into our head.
Read MoreAre robots taking over our jobs?
"Robots" or intelligent programs are doing more and more things and filling roles that we didn't expect. We can see they have made their place as our check out assistants but robots are even replacing lawyers in divorce disputes. It's crazy stuff.
Read MoreWhining and its silver lining
One of my pet peevs is people perpetually whining. Don't get me wrong, I love a good whinge to vent every now and again about the joyous things that life throws at me but when it's the sort of whining that prompts inaction I dislike it immensely...
Read MoreLove your work, love your life?
There are SO many people who are dissatisfied with their work. I wonder why? Is it that they can't decide what they want to do? Or are the people they work with soul-suckers? Are their bosses fostering a stressful work environment or a negative workplace culture? Does the free coffee taste like shite? Or are they searching for more fulfillment from their work or meaning in their career or business?
Read MoreWhat the hell are you waiting for?
There is never a right or wrong time to launch your own business and if you don't take the plunge you'll never know where that journey might have taken you.
So. What the hell are you waiting for?
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